

A Generative Art on Bitcoin



欢迎开启您的《彩谱》艺术之旅:彩谱中文意味着彩色的脸谱,是象征京剧中的脸谱,表达了对悠久中华艺术文明的致敬。 作品艺术超越了色彩和象征的界限,也超越着时空的界限。 该系列中的每件作品都是对丰富色彩和神秘面具之间复杂舞蹈的独特探索。 《彩谱》是对颜色所能传达的情感和叙事深度的庆祝,而面具则是通往隐藏故事和隐秘身份的钥匙。 沉浸于生动的色彩和优雅的算法抽象曲线之美,《彩谱》系列邀请您体验超越表面的艺术, 踏入色彩灵魂深处并开启探索自我的神奇之旅。

《彩谱》是基于比特币序数协议的艺术NFT收藏品。 通过使用递归序数协议和HTML文件格式,我们显著压缩了铭记文件的大小,从而降低了铸造成本,同时确保高清分辨率。 每个NFT作品都是由算法通过交互创作生成的,为您提供选择和创建与您共鸣的作品的能力。

About ColorMask

Welcome to the captivating world of the ColorMask, where art transcends the boundaries of color and symbolism. Each piece in this series is a unique exploration of the intricate dance between vibrant hues and enigmatic masks. ColorMask is a celebration of the emotional and narrative depth that colors can convey, while the masks serve as gateways to hidden stories and concealed identities. Immerse yourself in the fusion of vivid palettes and elusive personas, as ColorMask Series invites you to experience art beyond the surface, a journey into the soul of colors and the mysteries they unveil.

ColorMask is an Art NFT collection based on the Bitcoin Ordinals Protocol. Through the utilization of recursive ordinals and the HTML file format, we've significantly compressed the size of the inscription file, thereby reducing minting costs while ensuring high-definition resolution. Each NFT work is randomly generated, offering you the ability to choose and create the one that resonates with you.


Artist & Coding


Data Engineer



Frequently Asked Questions

  • 艺术向来是人类精神世界上一颗璀璨的明珠。科学,哲学和艺术一同完成着人类对求真,向善,致美世界的精神追求。



    Art has always been a brilliant gem in the realm of human spirituality. Science, philosophy, and art together fulfill humanity's spiritual pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty in the world. Artists express their own spiritual essence and the appearance of the world through their paintings or other techniques, showing people the tangible and spiritual world that can be inherited. From ancient times when cave paintings were created with stone knives, to Leonardo da Vinci's perfect three-dimensional perspective achieved through mathematical calculations, to Monet and Seurat's Impressionist works depicting color changes through the theory of light and shadow, to Picasso's portrayal of the cruelty of war through three-dimensional abstract techniques, to modern times when Wu Guanzhong, Wu Changshuo, and Huang Binhong used ink wash painting to create Chinese abstract art, all have used art and aesthetics to record and express their spiritual aspirations and emotions towards the world.

    Today, since the advent of the personal computer era initiated by Apple, our world has gradually entered a digital age. From Yahoo and Google search engines, to Facebook and Tencent's social networks, from Douyin to TikTok, and from Tesla to Baidu, we are living in a digitally constructed world. In 2009, the Bitcoin network emerged, incorporating asymmetric encryption, distributed processing, consensus algorithms, and economic principles, providing a secure haven for digital assets. Since then, digital artworks have found a firm place in this digital era. Artists can authenticate their works by putting them on the blockchain, finally solving the problem of ownership of digital works. In 2021, artworks issued based on Ethereum smart contracts have been auctioned multiple times at top auction houses such as Sotheby's and Christie's, with some individual prices approaching those of traditional art masterpieces. After years of development, digital art has finally gained its place. Digital art is the contemporary art of the digital new world, and its value will surely be recognized with the maturity of blockchain technology and the prevalence of digital currencies.

    This is our worldview on digital art.

  • 当今社会,从谷歌的广告算法到抖音的推荐算法,从普通的电子门禁到人工智能的深度学习网络,



    In today's society, from Google's advertising algorithms to TikTok's recommendation algorithms, from ordinary electronic access controls to deep learning networks in artificial intelligence, algorithms are the most efficient and powerful tools of the digital age, continuously influencing and changing people's lives. Beyond their crucial role in the tech industry, algorithms, as an intellectual tool expressed through code, also represent an important technique in digital art. Just as oil painting techniques are essential in oil painting and ink techniques in Chinese painting, algorithmic programming is an artistic creation skill that digital artists must undergo years of training to master. Generative Art, also known as algorithmic art or code art: Artists create an algorithm or code, and when the computer executes this code, the algorithm generates real-time digital artwork on the screen based on specified rules and a certain level of randomness. As each instance has a different random seed, collectors can also participate in program interaction to engage in the creation and collection of artworks. We believe that code-generated art is the most innovative form of artistic assets in the digital asset era, representing contemporary art in the digital age.

  • 从古至今,每一种艺术品都有自己的媒介:

    From ancient times to the present, each type of artwork has its own medium: murals carved on walls, textures engraved on shells, texts written on bronze, to gold, jade, and the canvases of oil paintings, as well as the rice paper and silk used in Chinese painting. The medium in which artworks are created determines the duration of their transmission and, at the same time, signifies the level of security for these assets. BTC, as the most secure technological implementation of digital assets to date, has been operating stably for 15 years, with the main chain never experiencing security issues. Choosing BTC as the storage medium for generated art is the safest artistic medium to date. In other words, linking our works to BTC allows collectors to store their artistic assets in the world's most secure place.

  • 在2023年之前,比特币网络是几乎无法发布并交易除比特币之外的其他类型的资产。

    Before 2023, it was almost impossible to issue and trade assets other than BTC on the Bitcoin network. However, with the advent of the Ordinals protocol, the possibility of storing and trading other types of digital assets on the BTC mainnet became a reality. While there are other protocols, including L2, that could be considered, after comprehensive evaluation, we believe that using the Ordinals protocol to release this project is the optimal choice at this stage. It also signifies a tribute to Christopher Columbus in the digital art world!

  • RKStone,在大学期间开始研究计算机图形学算法。

    RKStone began studying computer graphics algorithms and related 3D software during university. With a background as a game programmer for ten years, RKStone later became a product manager at a major AI company. In 2022, he transitioned to full-time involvement in generative art creation and has produced series such as "Seasons," "Industrial Geometry," "Blue Boundaries," and more. Additionally, RKStone is a co-founder of BAStudio. ColorMask means colorful facial makeup, inspired by the facial makeup of Chinese Peking Opera characters. A technical tribute to ETH's finest artwork!

  • 《彩谱》作为BTC上艺术类NFT,极有可能是您的第一个BTC艺术类NFT。


    "ColorMask," as an art NFT on BTC, is very likely to be your first BTC art NFT. "ColorMask" meets a certain standard of artistry and aesthetics. As a collector, you can not only appreciate the work but also own the rights to its potential earnings. As RKStone's first BTC art series, it serves not only as an artwork but also potentially as a whitelist credential for future series. In the traditional world, artworks are high-value collectibles in the spiritual realm, surpassing luxury items like watches, yachts, and handbags. By collecting "ColorMask," you hold the key to entering the world of digital crypto art and will encounter collectors with similar tastes and ideas. "ColorMask" will open a door for you to the digital art world!